
Showing posts from October, 2021

Unity Letter Rick And Morty

Unity blew up a whole city just for the hell of it and got so drunk and high that It lost control of the people that made up its hivemind who then stopped taking care of themselves and started killing each other. Rick stays with Unity for a while longer but after leaving to use the bathroom emerges to find that Unity has deserted the city and possibly the planet and written breakup letters across every surface. Pin On Rick And Morty It confesses its love for Rick but ultimately concedes that they cannot be together. Unity Letter Rick And Morty . Im sure theres no perfect version of me. While travelling through space and jamming to some music Rick Morty and Summer come across a distress signal from an alien starshipRick intercepts and boards the starship with the intention of looting it but instead he comes. Unitys Letter to Rick. Thankfully Adult Swim loved the idea. Im not strong enough to do it. Is a side effect. This is a side blog of mine where im basically ju...